Welcome To Kenton UMC

Kenton UMC

74 West Commerce Street, Kenton, DE, United States, 19953

Sunday Services = 9 am


159 years ago in the community of Kenton, before any church or community house was ever built, Methodism started to unfold. Methodism had its beginning with meetings in various homes. The Kenton M. E. Church was organized in the homes of the Kenton people. Early preaching was in the Widow Howard's home, and others. Methodist preachers were visiting in the Kenton area as early as 1714.

In the year 1818 William Ringold deeded one acre to the following trustees of the first Kenton Church: James Scotten, Isaac Buckingham, Robert Pearce and Nemiah Clark, with the understanding that this Land was to be used for the erection of a church, and the remaining land to be used for cemetery for deceased members of the church and their families. The first preacher of this church was the Rev. John Durborough.

This church and cemetery was located one quarter mile south of Kenton on the road leading to Downs Chapel. After many years this church was abandoned in 1877 and a second church was built in the town of Kenton. Before the year was over, this second church was completely destroyed by fire. Another church was erected in 1878 and was officially dedicated by Bishop Scott on September 15, 1878.

The corner stone of the present church building is dated 1875; remodeling of the church occurred in 1925. In January, 1965 new pews were installed in the church and an organ was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. Additions, improvements and corrections to the present Kenton Church building are always in process in order to maintain a functional setting for worship in the Kenton community

- - Written by Mr. H. Clifford Clark, Fall, 1977

Meet Pastor Rick.

Pastor Rick’s Contact Information:

Email: PastorRickKelly22@gmail.com

Cell Phone Number: (302) 260-4421

My name is Pastor Rick Kelly. I am a child of God, a son, a brother, a husband of 14 years to Veronica, and the father of 4 lively and loving children ages 13 to 7. Being deaf, I am fluent in American Sign Language and English and enjoy signing along to worship music on Sunday mornings.

I remember at a young age being powerfully drawn to the pulpit where my grandfather preached and feeling a profound sense of awe of the Lord. As a child, I joined a group that performed ASL to songs. At thirteen years of age, I attended Teen Missions International for US ministry work for eight weeks. Ever since I was old enough to decide to serve Jesus, I have found myself rarely saying no to an opportunity to serve.

Throughout my life, the call to serve in the role of a pastor and shepherd has continued to echo and beckon me for the past three decades. I am excited to heed the call at Kenton United Methodist Church and love and serve this community.

District Announcements

Lay Servant Academy

The Lay Servant Academy is offering fall classes.

Go to pen-del.org, click on Ministries —> Board of Lay Ministries —> Lay Servant Ministries —> Lay Servant Academy

Contact Kevin Chamberlain with any questions: kbchamberlain@avenueumc.com

District Info

Delaware District Office
900 North Washington Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

Administrative Assistant
Andrea Lenker



Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:30 am - 2:00pm

District Superintendent
Rev. Tom Pasmore

302- -

Peninsula - Delaware Conference
139 North State Street, Dover, DE 19901



Presiding Bishop
Bishop LaTrelle Easterling

11711 East Market Place
Fulton, MD 20759
